Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In response to Evan’s Post: Verizon Sucks

The phone technology is a very strange business.  Like Verizon, the phone companies are more interested in sticking people in these phone data plans, which have many restrictions and several monthly charges.  Each of these plans have specific restrictions which people do not fully understand when they are buying the phone.  The plans are great until you start to have problems with the phone, then the technicians only help you for a price and it is almost impossible to get a new phone.

Do you think this is the right way to do business if you were the phone companies?
Since people keep coming back and continue buying the same data plans, do you think there ever will be a changeWill the phone companies make these plans user friendly or complicate them more?

New iPad 3 going small

The New iPad Apple announced is going to be much smaller.  They felt they had to change their current design because of the several new tablets which are going to hit the tech world.  The new iPad 3 is going to have a better display along with 4G capability.  The other tablets are The Kindle Fire, The Nook Tablet, The Acer Iconia A500, The Asus Slider, The HTC Flyer, The HTC Jetstream, The Galaxy Note, The Pantech Element, The BlackBerry PlayBook, The Sony S, The Sony P, The G-Slate, The T-Mobile Springboard, The Motorola Xyboard, The Toshiba Thrive, The Asus Transformer Pad Infinity, and The Asus Padfone.  With all of these new tablets and technology coming out, there obviously was a need for Apple to improve on their design.  I don’t know which of these new tablets will be popular but most of them will most likely only last for a few years because the technology world is constantly improving.  This is a marketer’s nightmare.  There are so many new tablets coming out, that each company must try to improve on their design and offer a few function or something the others don’t.  With the large surplus of tablets coming out in the next year, that seems like a difficult task.

Link: showing the competition
Link: showing more info on the iPad 3

What do you think about the new smaller iPad 3?